Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wedding. Last year, my cousin invited me to be part of his wedding-the wedding entourage to be exact.  I was one of the bridesmaid.  Since at that time, I just recovered from a heart ache related problem, so I went.  Little did I know that it  will be the start of my love affair with TRAVELING.
Yes, it made me feel brand new. There in Butuan being with my relatives keep us more bonded. Some of them I haven't seen for years.  Its my first time to be in Butuan and I must say, it is a progressive city.  According to wikipedia : Butuan is a highly urbanized city in the Philippines. The city is also the regional center of Caraga. It is located at the northeastern part of Agusan Valley, Mindanao, sprawling across the Agusan River.
We stayed in  Dottie's Place Hotel and Restaurant located in J.C. Aquino Avenue, Butuan City. True to its profile "A Place in the heart of Butuan. Where you can enjoy and relax."
I enjoyed and was indeed relaxed during the duration of my stay.
Although, I did not have a chance to go around Butuan but I managed to drop by, Butuan National Museum.  TRIVIA: It was established after the accidental discovery of archaeological materials by the City Engineering Office of Butuan City in 1974 while draining the water confined inside a man-made river system. Their collections are ethnographic materials from the Higaonon, Tiruray, Mamanua and Bukidnon ethnolinguistic groups.
Next stop, St. Joseph Cathedral that is considered as one of  the main churches in  the historic city of Butuan.
Then bought pasalubong.  I bought a ref magnet  shaped as their well known -balangay or butuan boat. And Butuan celebrates its annual fiesta, the Balangay Festival, for the celebration of the city patron St. Joseph every whole month of May.
Indeed, I enjoyed every minute of my stay in Butuan.  Fun-filled and musical wedding. All expense paid trip. Nothing can go wrong.
Lastly, my first love affair with travelling..
Till next time ..

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